Bishies in My Pocket...
Gyms: Crimson (open, run by Mariemaia); Gold (open, run by Hilde); Forest (open, run by Makoto); Jet (open, run by Duo); Glacier (open, run by Ruki); Ivory (open, run by San); Sapphire (overflow, run by Quatre); Rosy (overflow, run by Mimi); Lavender (open, run by Achika).
Please don't "catch" any of these images from me! Go to the original sites, and capture them fair and square.
Catch a Pocket Bishóujo ::
Catch a Pocket Bishónen

The Rosy Gym Morale Team
12 Bishoujo, 4 Bishounen
 | "I'm not bad; I'm just drawn that way." Probably the first introduction of many impressionable American boys to the joys of cartoon hentai, Jessica played the femme fatale with a wink, a pout, and a patty-cake. She's a philandering wife... what else is she guilty of? Plus, the true secret of manhood: "he makes me laugh."
As Burter said to Jeice, "If it weren't for you being short and orange, I'd say he (Goku) was the better looking guy!" Heh heh. Jeice is part of the Ginyu Force, and one of the more stylish members. He's good at his job, but not above turning tail and running.
Zarbon... Bulma thought he was a hottie, till he went all lizard on 'em. Plus, he's a bad guy. Zarbon is quite cute, though, in an arrogant Freeza-lackey kind of way.

Total: Bishoujos & Bishónen
In addition to their optional training and teaching, all bishies are trained in chi energy blasting, basic comedy, first aid and CPR, table manners, self-defense, origami, aerial navigation, photography and/or watercolors, infiltration, sword fighting, cooking with chocolate, and in some cases, deep massage.
Want to find out how the bishies are placed? How the gyms are run? Visit the Trainers' Lounge for behind-the-scenes details.
Gyms: Crimson (open, run by Mariemaia); Gold (open, run by Hilde); Forest (open, run by Makoto); Jet (open, run by Duo); Glacier (open, run by Ruki); Ivory (open, run by San); Sapphire (overflow, run by Quatre); Rosy (overflow, run by Mimi); Lavender (open, run by Achika).
RfP is a YAOI site. That means anime bishounen in relationships together. All the Pocket Bish Gyms and the rest of "Simple Pleasures" are PG rated, but the rest of the site has explicit material. By clicking below you are verifying that you are 18+ years old and legally responsible for your actions.
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"Red for Pleasure" and "Simple Pleasures" are copyright 2000-1 Sameshima Shuzumi. All content and most HTML is mine. Background, button graphics, and color scheme are courtesy Bejewelled.Net.
All anime characters belong to their respective creators. Pocket Bishonen, Pocket Bishoujo, and Anime Kitties belong to their respective sites. No income is made from this site.
Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly prohibited.