About :: Join :: Members :: Supporters :: Scorpio :: Bitch :: Today's ScorpScope
If you have a webpage, in order to be considered for the Scorpio Bitch clique, you MUST have one of these buttons linked to http://shusu.50megs.com/scorpio/.
This is pretty simple, now. If you are a Scorpio Bitch, then take one of these buttons. I will change their filenames from time to time so DON'T steal my bandwidth. Save and upload your own copies of them.
If you are *not* a Scorpio Bitch but still wish to join the clique as a supporter, then take one of these graphics.
Now, if I drop by your page on a Friday and see that this graphic is direct-linked from me, or not linked to the clique, or not where you said it is, or just not *there*, guess who's going to be dropped from the clique, no advance warning? Tha's right, beeeyatch. Now get yourself to the Join page and finish registering yourself.
About :: Join :: Members :: Supporters :: Scorpio :: Bitch :: Today's ScorpScope
~Simple Pleasures Home~ ~Red for Pleasure~