Scorpio Bitches Unite!

About :: Join :: Members :: Supporters :: Scorpio :: Bitch :: Today's ScorpScope


If you have a webpage, in order to be considered for the Scorpio Bitch clique, you MUST have one of these buttons linked to

This is pretty simple, now. If you are a Scorpio Bitch, then take one of these buttons. I will change their filenames from time to time so DON'T steal my bandwidth. Save and upload your own copies of them.

Scorpio Bitch Scorpio Bitch Scorpio Bitch

If you are *not* a Scorpio Bitch but still wish to join the clique as a supporter, then take one of these graphics.

Scorpio Bitch Scorpio Bitch

Now, if I drop by your page on a Friday and see that this graphic is direct-linked from me, or not linked to the clique, or not where you said it is, or just not *there*, guess who's going to be dropped from the clique, no advance warning? Tha's right, beeeyatch. Now get yourself to the Join page and finish registering yourself.

About :: Join :: Members :: Supporters :: Scorpio :: Bitch :: Today's ScorpScope

~Simple Pleasures Home~ ~Red for Pleasure~

Graphics by Moyra's Web Jewels

"Red for Pleasure" copyright 2000-1 Sameshima Shuzumi. All content and most HTML is mine. Background, button graphics, and color scheme are courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels. Some graphics from Ushikai's Room.

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly prohibited.